Political violence is a significant threat to any business since such risks are usually excluded from standard insurance agreements.
We provide insurance solutions to protect our clients’ assets via providing a cover for Political Violence coverage against risks such as:
- Terrorism;
- Sabotage;
- Riots and / or Strikes and / or civil Commotions;
- Malicious Damage;
- Insurrection, Revolution and Rebellion;
- Mutiny and/or Coup d’Etat;
- War and/or Civil War
Political Violence provides insurance indemnities payments for losses as a result of:
- Property damage: movable and immovable, vehicles (CASCO), cargo, future harvest, livestock, etc.
- Business interruption
- Denial of access to insured property
- Costs for insured property relocation
- Damages caused to the life and health of personnel
Political Violence insurance coverage is extremely important for the following categories but not limited to:
- Telecommunication companies
- Energy companies
- Shopping-entertainment malls
- Business centres
- Banks and financial institutions
- Hotels
- Construction and Real estate companies
- Agricultural companies
- Transport companies